12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donation based Fee.

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12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donation based Fee.

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12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donation based Fee.

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12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donation based Fee.

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12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donation based Fee.

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12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donation based Fee.

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Visa evenemang →
12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donation Based Fee.

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12:45 em12:45

Namnlöst evenemang

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donation based Fee.

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Visa evenemang →
12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donationbased.

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12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Admission Fee on Donaion Basis.

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Visa evenemang →
12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Admission Fee on Donation Basis.

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Visa evenemang →
12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Admission Fee on Donation Basis.

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Visa evenemang →
12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Admisson Fee on Donation Basis.

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Visa evenemang →
12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Based on Donations.

Visa evenemang →
12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donationbased.

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Visa evenemang →
1:00 em13:00

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Admission Fee on Donation basis.

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Visa evenemang →
12:45 em12:45

Inner Warrior

Using the simple and powerful Spacing method, you will learn to locate and remove heavy energy in your field to create the inner space needed to reach your personal goals. You’ll gain valuable tools that empower you to continue removing heavy energy yourself and work towards a lighter, clearer and more positive space. Donationbased.

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Visa evenemang →
12:45 em12:45

Workshop - Emotionell coachning

Välkommen på workshop söndagen den 12/1 klockan 12.45 hos Alpha Traininngcenter, Lågskärsvägen 8, 121 55 Johanneshov, T-bana Kärrtorp.

Tema: “Hitta rätt val - Hur väljer jag rätt?”

Emotionell coachning går ut på att hitta rätt mål och att lyfta de eventuella hinder som finns undermedvetet för att lättare nå dit du vill.
Under denna workshop kommer du även att få lära dig ett verktyg som är användbart i alla valsituationer.

Workshopen är donationsbaserad.

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1:00 em13:00

Workshop - Förändring Vi utforskar förändringstemat under tre träffar med olika verktyg. Zen coachning, traditionell coachning.

Vi utforskar förändringstemat under tre träffar med olika verktyg. Zen coachning, traditionell coachning kommer få lära er en metod för att lösa upp de motstånd och blockeringar som gör det motigt att ”göra det vi vill” i våra liv.  Vi kommer samlas i cirkelform för att dela det vi har lust med till varandra av upplevelsen och vår livssituation.  Fika kommer vi göra också på träffarna!

Pilotgrupps pris 300:- per träff.  Swish(anmälan) och info: 070-956 74 27

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